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From Film Student to CEO

Grace’s Journey: From Film Student to Thriving Business Owner with DRAESIS Sanctum! Prepare to be inspired by Grace’s incredible transformation since joining us in August 2020. Witness her remarkable evolution from a film student to a successful full-time business owner, spearheading a production company that empowers law firms through captivating videos and impactful marketing campaigns. Embracing our program has enabled Grace to master the realms of sales, marketing, and professional self-advocacy. She describes our program as a perfect fit for self-starters with an entrepreneurial spirit seeking guidance on launching their own ventures. The friendships forged within the program have become invaluable, providing not only support but also unwavering accountability. Grace emphasizes that joining DRAESIS Sanctum has been truly life-changing, fueling her growth both professionally and artistically. Be inspired by Grace’s journey and unlock your own limitless potential with DRAESIS Sanctum!


Sammy’s Insider Perspective: Witnessing Life Transformations with Our Mastermind! Get ready for a truly remarkable testimonial from Sammy, a staff writer at Dream Reach Media who had the extraordinary privilege of sitting in and taking notes on several years of Sanctum Zoom calls. As an observer, she has been captivated by the profound impact of our mastermind on the lives of its members. Sammy bears witness to the awe-inspiring transformations that unfold right before her eyes, as individuals redefine their entire existence and achieve remarkable success. She emphasizes the true strength of the program lies within its vibrant community, a family of passionate individuals who uplift and support one another. With firsthand experience, Sammy recognizes the invaluable nature of this resource and wholeheartedly recommends it to anyone willing to embark on the transformative journey of self-expansion. Join us and experience the power of our mastermind to witness your own life transformation!

from zero to the white house

 Thea’s Triumph: Unlocking The Road To Washington DC through DRAESIS Sanctum! Brace yourself for Thea’s awe-inspiring journey as she shares her profound experience with DRAESIS Sanctum. Initially overwhelmed by the abundance of content, she soon discovered that this system was her key to life-changing transformation. Witness her incredible growth, as she becomes a force to be reckoned with in business, enhances her technical skills, and even embarks on the thrilling venture of starting her own production company, which led her all the way to the White House! The program demands unwavering tenacity, a strong work ethic, dedicated time, burning passion, and an upfront investment, but Thea assures us that it’s all worth it for those truly committed to the craft of filmmaking. Revel in the cutting-edge nature of DRAESIS Sanctum, with lifelong access to its invaluable content and the guidance of Daniel Brea, a PGA producer, advertising master, serial entrepreneur and mentor who walks the talk. Join Thea and unlock the gateway to your own transformative journey!


Jackson’s Journey: Mastering Brand, Creativity, and 7 Figure Destiny with Our Mastermind! Prepare to be captivated by Jackson’s unique testimonial, highlighting the remarkable benefits of joining our mastermind. With laser focus, he harnessed the power of a business perspective to amplify his brand and unleash his creativity. Discover how Jackson found his niche and took firm control of his destiny. The collaborative sessions, cherished for problem-solving and celebrating wins, propelled Jackson forward alongside other like-minded members. Building valuable friendships within the group ensured unwavering accountability and support. With the program as his guiding light, Jackson confidently identified the path to a six to seven-figure business, transforming his life in immeasurable ways. Embark on your own transformative journey with us and unlock the keys to your limitless potential!


KJ’s Triumph Unleashed: National Commercial Spot, Short Film, and Beyond! Brace yourself for KJ’s electrifying news: a contract signed for a highly anticipated national commercial spot launching this September, alongside the exciting venture of shooting a remarkable short film. KJ attributes his journey’s momentum to the inspiration and tools provided by none other than Daniel Brea himself. However, KJ passionately emphasizes the criticality of self-belief as the driving force behind his success. Witness KJ’s tenacity as he reveals how he closed a monumental client deal, securing an impressive $60,000 budget that enabled him to elevate his production with the help of talented friends armed with top-notch equipment. Daniel, in awe of KJ’s trust in the process, confidently predicts a future brimming with success in the realms of six or seven figures. Prepare to witness the fulfillment of Daniel’s prediction in the upcoming video!


KJ’s Remarkable Rise with DRAESIS Sanctum! Witness the awe-inspiring journey of KJ as he generates an astounding $130,000 in revenue through sponsorships within a mere six months. His accolades continue to stack up, with the prestigious title of TV Producer of the Year awarded to his groundbreaking Ten Minute Stories project. Now venturing into the realms of commercials and social media management, KJ’s entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds. The program’s system has become his trusted compass, leading him to phenomenal success. With his wife potentially joining him full-time after achieving multiple six figures (270+k) in his first year, KJ sets his sights on conquering seven figures next year. Embrace the power of DRAESIS Sanctum and join KJ in confidently pursuing your passions!


Sky’s Artistic Empowerment: Finding Structure and Success with DRAESIS Sanctum! Join Sky as she candidly shares the challenges she faced as an actor in the entertainment industry, yearning for structure and a solid foundation. With heartfelt gratitude, she credits DRAESIS Sanctum for providing invaluable guidance on self-marketing and income generation while pursuing her artistic career. Embracing the supportive community, Sky gained a deeper understanding of the inner workings of production companies. With enthusiasm, she highly recommends DRAESIS Sanctum to fellow artists in need of industry guidance. Through her membership, Sky has found a solid foundation, empowering her to chart her own path with confidence. Experience the artistic liberation with DRAESIS Sanctum, and unleash your potential to reach new heights


Kyle Ward’s Membership Revelation: Unlocking the Business Owner and Producer Within! Join Kyle, an actor, producer, and esteemed member of DRAESIS Sanctum, as he unveils the ultimate tool that has transformed his career. Through his membership, he’s embraced the mindset of a business owner and producer, enabling him to seize opportunities at every turn. While Kyle recommends DRAESIS Sanctum specifically to those with an entrepreneurial spirit, his unwavering belief in the platform is awe-inspiring. With boundless ambition, he envisions a future where he ascends to billionaire status. Join Kyle’s journey of self-discovery and unlock the doors to your own entrepreneurial triumphs with DRAESIS Sanctum!


Joyce’s Journey: Unleashing Potential with Mentorship and Skills through Exclusive Membership! Delve into Joyce’s transformative experience as she reflects on the profound impact of her membership. With a powerful mentor by her side, she gained invaluable insights and overcame obstacles hindering her progress. The program not only equipped her with unexpected skills for book promotion and building a production company but also provided resources on focus and decision-making. Connecting with fellow creatives offered opportunities for collaboration and growth. Recommended for those craving financial independence and flexibility in their pursuit of passions in film and television, Joyce’s journey is a testament to the program’s transformative potential. Embark on your own journey of self-discovery with us!


Cody’s Cinematic Triumph: From Acclaimed Short Film to Million-Dollar Talks! Experience the exhilaration as Cody’s short film dazzles at TIFF and opens doors to extraordinary opportunities. Now engaged in high-stakes discussions for $1 million funding for a movie, Cody’s excitement knows no bounds. He attributes his confident navigation of these pivotal conversations to the invaluable training received in our mastermind. With strategic ambition, Cody aspires to build a company that seamlessly blends creativity and success, becoming second nature to him. Join in Cody’s journey of cinematic triumph and witness the power of our mastermind in propelling dreams to new heights!


Unleash Your Potential: Will You Accept The Challenge? Charles shares his endorsement of the program, highlighting its transformative and introspective nature. This program isn’t for the faint-hearted; it calls for self-reflection and pushing beyond comfort zones. Recommended for those with an entrepreneurial spirit or a strong desire to cultivate one, it’s a powerful catalyst for personal growth. Embracing this program signifies a readiness to embrace change and embark on a remarkable journey. With flexible pacing and engaging Zoom sessions, it’s tailor-made for those who yearn for personal and professional development. Watch Charles in the next video, as he hits a pivotal milestone in his own journey, a testament to the program’s efficacy. Get ready to unleash your potential!


Charles’ Triumph: A Stellar Pitch Sparks Excitement in Grand Rapids! Witness Charles’ remarkable success as his social media commercial pitch hits the mark with a well-connected business owner and her team. Their enthusiastic reception, coupled with valuable suggestions and interest in a long-term contract, opens doors to a web of connections with other local businesses. Charles can hardly contain his excitement as he shares this thrilling opportunity with fellow dream-chasers on a lively video message. Join in the celebration of Charles’ triumph and catch a glimpse of the boundless possibilities that await!


Joanna’s Journey: From Desperation to Empowerment with DRAESIS Sanctum! Dive into the heartfelt account of Joanna, who once felt trapped in uncertainty but discovered a lifeline in our program. With our guidance, Joanna harnessed her passions for acting, producing, and entrepreneurship, paving her path to success. The vibrant community and mentorship provided invaluable practical tools for launching her business. At first hesitant to share DRAESIS with others, she realized the transformative power was too potent to keep to herself. Now, Joanna passionately recommends DRAESIS Sanctum to fellow dream-chasers in the entertainment and media industry, enabling them to turn their passions into a profitable reality. Embrace Joanna’s story and unleash your potential with DRAESIS Sanctum!


Matthew’s Money-Making Mantra: Transforming Passion into Profit with DRAESIS Sanctum! A Facebook ad, a curious click, and Matthew was on his path to financial freedom. What began as a plan to establish a production company swiftly took a turn as Matthew applied DRAESIS Sanctum’s powerful principles to amplify his photography business! His story showcases DRAESIS Sanctum’s hallmark flexibility, allowing its tenets to enrich existing businesses or inspire new ventures. As part of this dynamic community, Matthew gained more than just business acumen – he found a network of successful, supportive peers, many of whom have launched thriving businesses post-program. Unleash your potential for financial freedom and elevate your business game with DRAESIS Sanctum, just like Matthew!


Bunnie’s Two Life-Changing Investments: LASIK and DRAESIS Sanctum! Explore the extraordinary story of Bunnie, who, after a 30-year struggle in her career, struck gold with DRAESIS Sanctum, ranking it alongside LASIK surgery as her most transformative investments. If you’re standing at the crossroads of starting a business or switching careers, no matter the age, get inspired by Bunnie’s remarkable journey! DRAESIS Sanctum’s mastermind and community cut through the fog of self-doubt with the precision of LASIK and provide an unclouded path to your goals. Navigate the volatile waves of today’s market with invaluable lessons from DRAESIS Sanctum, and join Bunnie in celebrating this life-altering discovery!


From Dreams to Screens: Ari’s Artistic Ascension with DRAESIS Sanctum! Be inspired by Ari’s transformation: a trifecta of personal, professional, and artistic evolution powered by DRAESIS Sanctum’s courses, mastermind, and community. DRAESIS Sanctum delivers not just confidence and information but the blueprint to build a media empire with accountability at its core. See how Ari networked his way from concept to streaming on OTT platforms, armed with the lessons from DRAESIS Sanctum. If you seek guidance and growth in your media career, Ari’s journey is your cue to step into DRAESIS Sanctum!


Discover ‘Mindset Metamorphosis’: Chris Transforms Doubt into Drive with DRAESIS Sanctum! Chris hails DRAESIS Sanctum not just as a program but a beacon of self-transformation and a springboard to his goals. From the ashes of self-doubt to the pinnacles of positivity, see how the DRAESIS community bolstered Chris’s journey. Dive into the power of a supportive community and emerge with a new mindset. Gratitude, transformation, and a renewed focus – all packaged in one community. Here’s to Daniel Brea for lighting the way! See how DRAESIS Sanctum can illuminate your path too!


From Pressure to Power: How DRAESIS Sanctum Ignited Cyrus’s Career Transformation! Experience the shift from financial stress to creative success, all thanks to DRAESIS Sanctum’s vibrant community. It’s not just a program, it’s a launchpad for your brand and a sanctuary for your creative space. Master modules on production, branding, advertising, and more. Dive into dynamic Q&A calls with mentor Daniel and a supportive community. It’s not about having questions, it’s about soaking up the answers! Cyrus didn’t just find a program; he found a life-changer. Come discover how DRAESIS Sanctum can revolutionize your world too!


Olive’s Odyssey: From industry outsider to thriving actor-producer with DRAESIS Sanctum Mastermind! Initially, she just dreamt of a production company for her short film about her fizzled real estate career. Skeptical, she joined our program with a grain of reluctance. And now? Olive’s flourishing in her first lead role in a TV pilot and is concurrently co-producing another one, while honing her creative commercial skills. Her company has even delivered a successful commercial series! DRAESIS Sanctum has been Olive’s rock, keeping her aligned with her goals, offering support, and helping her maintain focus. The result? A string of connections with directors, producers, streaming platform executives, and a windfall of new opportunities. Olive endorses joining DRAESIS Sanctum, citing both personal and professional growth, not to mention the delightful friendships she’s made in the industry.


Francisco shares a riveting journey of transformation with DRAESIS Sanctum! The program, brimming with invaluable resources and dynamic Q&A sessions, has propelled him from dabbling in movie-making as a pastime to mastering it as a lucrative business. As he negotiates his maiden deal with his first client, the thrill is palpable! Francisco isn’t ‘just an employee’ anymore, he’s steering his own company, hurtling towards the exhilarating realm of financial freedom. Embrace Francisco’s story, let it stir your ambition and inspire you to take control!

From Skepticism to Success

Joe sparkles with enthusiasm as he recounts his transformative journey with the DRAESIS Sanctum program! Initially skeptical, he was quickly won over by its methodical process and the supportive camaraderie of its vibrant community. His journey, laced with moments of self-discovery and growth, offers a beacon of hope to those questioning their place in the film industry. With DRAESIS Sanctum, authenticity isn’t just encouraged; it’s celebrated! Joe’s newfound understanding of himself has deepened his connection to his craft, leaving him eagerly anticipating the next chapter of his journey. Overflowing with gratitude for Daniel and the entire DRAESIS community, he’s a testament to the transformative power of this growth experience!


Daniel is praised for his wisdom, intelligence, and helpfulness, all the way down to helping in setting up Jon’s first professional self-tape setup. Jon’s thankful to DRAESIS Sanctum, and recommends it to those interested in advancing their career in film or television.


Embrace Action, Banish Overthinking! Lisa exclaims, lauding Daniel’s inspiring leadership. He’s crafted a thriving community where camaraderie flourishes, where each member is a cheerleader, a mentor, a friend. Mistakes? They’re not feared, they’re celebrated as stepping stones to growth. It’s a safe haven where everyone thrives on constructive feedback, propelling personal and collective growth. Lisa’s gratitude to Daniel and this extraordinary community brims over, painting an irresistible picture of inspiration and empowerment!


From NYC with Love: Makayla Triumphs in Filmmaking Feat! She’s just wrapped up the first leg of her movie and is thrilled with the results. Sure, there were a few hiccups, a few panic-attack inducing moments, but mostly? It all unfolded like a beautifully directed scene. Now, she’s recharging her batteries, basking in the glow of achievement before plunging into the second leg of filming on Thursday. Film festivals beckon, but for now, she’s just taking a moment to celebrate her team, her success, her journey. Tune in to Makayla’s story, it’s a blockbuster in the making!


Marguerite’s Tale: Actor, Animal Advocate, Achiever! Discover how she stormed her way to success and independence with the DRAESIS Sanctum Mastermind Community. Get a glimpse of the cutting-edge tools and strategies that empowered her to create her own production company, to lead her team towards shared goals. Marguerite sings praises of Daniel Brea, a mentor whose passion for his craft is contagious. She’s beautifully woven all her passions into her business, creating a steady stream of income that doesn’t just pay the bills, it brings her joy. Marguerite’s recommendation? Dive into the DRAESIS Sanctum Mastermind Community! It’s been the game-changer, the decision of a lifetime for her.


Derek Whitlow, a shining star of the DRAESIS Sanctum Community, lauds the wealth of knowledge and camaraderie fostered by Daniel. The success and progress he’s witnessed on his TV series? He attributes it directly to the top-notch education he’s gained from DRAESIS Sanctum. Aspiring filmmaker? Derek’s advice is crystal clear – dive into the DRAESIS Sanctum journey! As he signs off, he sends out a powerful message of resilience and tenacity, warmly inviting others to partake in the transformative DRAESIS Sanctum experience.


Tim’s Transformation: Step inside his journey with the DRAESIS Sanctum Mastermind led by Daniel Brea. Watch how Tim’s world of possibilities has expanded and his understanding of the business world and decision-making has deepened. He has nothing but high praise for the elegantly presented insights on business building and the mindset strategies shared by Daniel. According to Tim, this program is an investment of time, energy, and money that promises monumental dividends in the future. He cherishes the vibrant, supportive community that’s an integral part of the package. This program comes highly recommended for those seeking to blend their creative talents with solid business acumen, or looking to refine their existing business mindsets. In a nutshell, Tim passionately endorses the DRAESIS Sanctum Mastermind to anyone eager to take the reins of their life and evolve from waiting for opportunities to actively creating them.

Becoming the instigator of your visions

DRAESIS community member Tamara provides both a testimonial and shares her creative journey. She talks about how she has harnessed the resources of DRAESIS to refine her brand, “The Taste Instigator,” and improve her content. The video offers a glimpse into a coaching session, showcasing how Tamara has been guided by Daniel and the community. She also shares her strategy for developing her niche domains into sites that align with her film projects, intending to generate revenue that supports her productions. Tamara’s testimonial underscores the value of being part of the DRAESIS community, highlighting how it has impacted her creative process and provided her with a platform to contribute and grow. This video serves as an example of the coaching and community benefits offered by DRAESIS Sanctum.